Have you ever seen that coloured tape on your favourite footballer or wondered why most of the Olympians last summer seemed to have tape all over them?

The reason is kineseotape. Over the last few years this tape had seemed to have engulfed the sporting world and there is a reason for this… it has phenomenal results.
The tape has a repertoire of functions. It improves the efficiency of mucsles and helps prolong fatigue, it can help to reduce swelling and can also help to alleviate pain and aid healing of injured tissues.
Kineseotape, when applied correctly, can assist in overcoming injuries and aid recovery, it allows the muscle to free up their attachments underneath the skin to allow them to move more freely and work to their full potential. Even if you haven’t got an injury this tape can give you more flexibility which makes the muscles tire less quickly on exertion, this in turn can improve the quality in a sporting activity and hence why you see it on so many high level sportspeople.
But you don’t have to be an elite athlete to have treatment with the tape and it can help people with all kind of ailments and I have seen lots of soft tissue complaints improve within one treatment of kineseotape. It also has long term benefits so you don’t have to have tape on you for the rest of the year.